Scale and Worth Comparison of Junior High School

math illustrasion

Comparison is two or more numbers that have been listed and have been simplified to express the proportion of some quantities to other quantities being paired. Comparison can also be expressed in the form of the simplest fraction. like The a to b comparison is expressed in

Comparisons can be expressed against quantities from the same group and have value. such as the price of a notebook compared to the price of a pencil and many other comparisons

  • Scale
map illustration

Scale is the ratio between the distance on the drawing/plan with the actual distance. The function of using scale is to simplify the actual shape when it is drawn. The general formula for scale expresses the ratio of the size of the drawing/plan compared to the actual size.

  • Factor on a Scaled Image
The factor in the scaled image is the ratio between the size of the sides of the image that correspond to the size of the actual object. on a scaled image can be in the form of zooming in and out by changing the size but not changing the shape


  • Comparison of Worth
Equivalent comparisons are two conditions that influence each other if the first state increases, the second state also increases, otherwise if the first state is small, the second state also gets smaller.

The event that belongs to the best ratio of values is; 
a. Mileage with travel time 
b. The amount of savings with a savings period 
c. Amount of food by number of people eating 
d. Number of employees with the amount of salary paid 

  • Inverse Comparison of Value
Inverse comparison is a comparison of two or more objects which if one of the variables increases, the other variables will decrease and vice versa. 
The events that are classified as inverse ratios are; 
a. Number of employees with completion time 
b. Vehicle speed with travel time 
c. Number of animals with the length of time spent eating



Lukman. (n.d.). Rangkuman materi soal, contoh soal & pembahasan skala dan perbandingan SMP.

Materi Perbandingan Matematika Kelas 7 Semester 2 SMP/MTs - soal dan pembahasan nya. (n.d.).

Skala, Perbandingan Senilai, dan Perbandingan Berbalik Nilai. (n.d.).


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